Thursday, August 23, 2007

PC or Mac?

No, I'm not buying anything right now, I just want to know what people like.
I know I myself don't have a Mac but I still like them. I know more people in the graphics and web design field use them. (Which I might get into.) But I'm still stuck with my good old PC. Which is kind of odd because I actually like it too. Don't get me wrong, old versions of Windows stank, but I really like XP. I think it was one of Microsoft's only successes.
Tell me what you think. :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

XBox woes

Microsoft has just published this.
The XBox 360 has cost them over $1 million in repair costs for busted consoles.
That's a pretty good chunk of change I'd say. At least on a lighter note Microsoft has lowered the prices on the 360 a bit.
Oh well, tell me if you got a clue.
EDIT: Whoops. Sorry that bill was 1 billion, not 1 million.