Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Well I'm Happy. Just figured out how to make a link open in another frame in Microsoft Word. Yeah, I'm that pathetic.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Portable Apps

I've just found this cool alternative to U3 called Portable Apps. And i have to tell you, its pretty cool. It works well and now I can take some of my favorite programs along with me just by bringing my flash drive.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Wii Media

I think Nintendo made one mistake with the Wii. Not having good media options. It also doesn't help that the only plug-in that the browser has is Macromedia 7.
Sheesh, doesn't Adobe already have version 9 out?
This kinda becomes a problem when want photos, music, and videos on the Wii. (without an SD card)
So I'm thinking to myself, how can I do this?
Well videos can be done through Youtube, so that's not a real problem.
And Pictures can be done trough Picasa web albums, so that's done.
Now what to do for music? Yes I know that there is the Media Center X for Wii, but I don't want to have to keep my PC on. So I'm going to try my only other solution, a flash mp3 player, hmmph.
I hope it works.
Tell me if you have any other ideas.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Wii have fun

Today on my Wii I decided to download a game. So there I was looking through the available games. I came upon two N64 games Mario Kart 64 and Star Fox 64. Since I already have too many Mario Kart games, I downloaded Star Fox 64.
I will sum up this game in one word.
The game's graphics are good, playability is super, and It is extremely fun.
I would recommend it.
The only other N64 Game I want off the top of my head is Blast Corps. (Are you listening Nintendo?)